A Guide to Drill Bit Extensions

Have you ever been in a situation where your drill bit was just not long enough to reach the area where you needed to drill? In this article, we will discuss why drill extensions are very important and how they can help solve these problems. We will also give an overview of what some of the best options on the market look like.

What is?

A drill bit extender is a tool that lengthens the product and allows you to make holes deeper in a variety of materials. Counterintuitively, an additional accessory should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the bit itself. When using such an additive, you should carefully adjust cutting modes when drilling.

How does a drill bit extension work?

Drill extensions work by lengthening the product for increased reach which allows for more depth of penetration into materials like metal, concrete block, tile boards just about anywhere!

How to use a drill bit extension?

It’s not hard to use a drill extension. All you have to do is make sure that your device is set up in the right cutting mode, such as high speed or reverse drilling. Put it on and proceed with caution, making sure that everything stays aligned while you are drilling and turning the pieces until they fit together into place when needed.

What size of an extension do I need?

The size of the extension you need is determined by measuring your drill bit and then subtracting the length that will be used after adding in a little buffer.

What size of shank do I need?

The shank size is the diameter of the drill bit extension. It’s important to make sure it fits your chuck size. Usually it fit one on this sizes: ¼” hex shank, ¾” hex shank or the metric equivalent.

Hex or round shank?

The most common drill bit extension is the hex shank. They come in a variety of lengths and diameters, but it’s important to note that not all drills are compatible with them. To find out whether your drill is compatible, you’ll need to examine its shank size – usually found on the side or front of the handle – then make sure whichever extensions you’re considering purchasing match up accordingly.

Hex or round collet?

The most common drill bit extension, and the one that’s compatible with any drill you might have, is the hex collet.


Extension for Forstner drill bit

A Guide to Drill Bit Extensions

The extension for Forstner drill bit is a special type of add-on. It uses the same working principle as with any other extensions, but it has one pronounced difference: the center hole is shaped in such a way that when drilling, its cutting edge cuts only along the perimeter while inside remains intact and not carved out.

This extension is designed for use in the drilling of deep holes.

Extension for spade drill bits

A Guide to Drill Bit ExtensionsThese products have a cylindrical shape and are elongated. The tip is round and tapers slightly at the end. Often, these extensions are used not only to drill holes on locations that are particularly difficult to reach, but also when you need to make them larger. The entire extension product measures about 140-150 millimeters in total length

SDS extension for drill bits


A Guide to Drill Bit ExtensionsIt has a cylindrical shape. At one end of the product there is a thin spiral-shaped piece, at the other end there is a hexagonal thin shank. This model is used only in conjunction with percussion drilling tools with drill bits. Tools such as this can be used for drilling on surfaces like brick, concrete, or stone. The depth is typically 300 millimeters.







Flexible drill bit extension

A Guide to Drill Bit ExtensionsThis is a special type of extension that has an additional function. It can be used in the drilling process to twist and rotate, as well as to mill and clean up edges. This will allow you to get into narrow corners with ease. The product itself measures about 150-170 mm long on average; this includes the length of its longitudinal part and the diameter of its head

Drill Bit Extension with Chuck

This is a type of drill bit extension that can work with any types of drills. It has an adapter to connect it to any universal chuck and the product itself measures about 120-150 millimeters long on average.

It’s made from metal, which makes it durable and sturdy enough for use in professional environments

10 Drill Bit Extension Reviews

#1. Fulton 10 inch Long Forstner Bit Extension 1/2″

A Guide to Drill Bit Extensions

The Fulton 10 inch long forstner bit extension is designed to be used with forstner bits only. With a set of two 6 inch extensions, you can enjoy using your favorite bit longer without fear of the tip breaking. The collet inside diameter is 1/2 inch and this tolerance is very tight – so if your bit says it’s 3/8ths’ or larger don’t even bother trying to fit it in there! If measured, make sure that your shank size falls between ½ and ¼ inches before investing in our product.

It’s 8 inches of extra length and can only be used for 1/2 inch shanks

#2. Fulton 10 inch Long Forstner Bit Extension (3/8 inch Collet)

A Guide to Drill Bit Extensions

The Forstner Bit Extension is a must-have for any project that requires the use of these bits. It has 3/8″ holes in it to fit different size shafts, and includes set screws with which you can tighten your bit into place. This extension will make drilling even more accurate than before!

#3. IVY Classic 10702 12-Inch Wood Spade Bit Extension

A Guide to Drill Bit Extensions

The IVY Classic 10702 is an innovative and ingenious accessory that extends any 1/4-inch round or hex shank bit up to 12 inches. This extension makes it perfect for use with wood spade bits, which are ideal for drilling holes through treated boards. After using this product many times in various scenarios, the author has found no wear on the tool whatsoever – even after several hours of continuous work! Furthermore; due to its shape and size, you can drill fairly cleanly through woods by placing a scrap board underneath as well.

#4 Bosch DSBE1006 DareDevil 6-Inch Spade Bit Extension

A Guide to Drill Bit Extensions

For 6″ extension only, the best choice is Bosch DSBE1006 DareDevil 6-Inch Spade Bit Extension. It is a durable and sturdy tool that will allow you to install new vinyl or laminate flooring with ease. It is 1/4 hex inside

#5 BOSCH CAM018 18-inches (8 inches avalaible)

A Guide to Drill Bit Extensions

This concrete bit is perfect for use with Bosch 2-piece core bits. It has an extended length of 8 inches and it cannot exceed a 600rpm bit speed.

With the Bosch CAM018, you’ll have more control over your stoneworking process. This concrete cutter can smoothly handle anything up to 8 inches with excellent precision and control. That means no matter what project you’re taking on, there’s a tool that will help you get it done.

If that sounds good to you, be sure to check out our full selection of concrete cutting systems today!

#6 Flexible Shaft Power Drill Extension

A Guide to Drill Bit Extensions

With the Flexible Shaft power drill extension, not only do you get to watch as the sander moves on the contours of your work piece just like a craftsmen does, you’ll also be able to fix and build anything with ease – no matter how far away. Offering up one of the best tools for hobbyists and DIYers alike, this is sure to make your weekend plans so much easier!

This power drill extension offers flexibility in any situation. The rubber grip ensures that this fun product is safe for even the most difficult of jobs and it doesn’t hurt to know that our Flexible Drive Shaft reaches 10,000 RPM at no load! It’s a great addition to your tool chest if you’re in need of some serious carving or engraving work because it will get the job done right the first time with ease.

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